Rina Steenkamp - Privacy and technology




[Accountability as the basis for regulating privacy - can information security regulations inform privacy policy? | Against notice skepticism | The case for online obscurity | Dispelling the myths surrounding de-identification - anonymization remains a strong tool for protecting privacy | Regulating privacy by design | A breach of confidence | FireEye Advanced Threat Report - 1H 2011 | Interim report, September 5, 2011, DigiNotar Certificate Authority breach | Opinion on the compatibility of [ACTA] with the [ECHR] and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights | Improved response to disasters and outbreaks by tracking population movements with mobile phone network data - A post-earthquake geospatial study in Haiti | Mining the Dutch National ICT Dashboard | Consumer behaviour in a digital environment | In the matter of an applicaton of the United States of America for an order authorizing the release of historical cell-site information | The evolving landscape of internet control | 2011 Canadians and privacy survey | W32.Xpaj.B - Making easy money from complex code | ACTA and access to medicines]


More at... [11/09/25 (NL/01)]

"Gelukkig hebben we de foto's nog!"

More at... [11/09/25 (NL/02)]

De nieuwe regels van het spel - Internet en publiek debat

More at... [11/09/25 (NL/03)]

Webfora als leerscholen van democratie?

More at... [11/09/25 (NL/04)]

Medialogica 2.0 - politiek, burger en interactieve metaalmoeheid

More at... [11/09/25 (NL/05)]

Mobiliteit en leven in media

More at... [11/09/25 (NL/06)]

Pluriformiteit in het online publieke domein

More at... [11/09/25 (NL/07)]


More at... [11/09/04 (NL/01)]

Frauduleus uitgegeven beveiligingscertificaat ontdekt

More at... [11/09/04 (NL/02)]

De meldplicht voor datalekken in de Telecommunicatiewet

More at... [11/09/04 (NL/03)]

Resultaten onderzoek UZI-pas - Gebruik in de apotheek (samenvatting)

More at... [11/09/04 (NL/04)]