Rina Steenkamp - Privacy and technology




[Getting accountability right with a privacy management program | Unscrubbed hard drives report | Hacker intelligence initiative, monthly trend report #9 | State and trends of the Russian digital crime market 2011 | ICC UK Cookie guide | Smart metering implementation programme - data access and privacy | Security in the age of mobility | Is everything we know about pass-word-stealing wrong? | Opinion [...] on facial recognition in online and mobile services | Procure secure - a guide to montoring of security levels in cloud contracts | Security, trust and assurance registry (STAR) | PICOS - Privacy and Identity Management for Community Services | Protecting consumer privacy in an era of rapid change | Symantec 2011 cost of data breach study, United States | Beyond cyber threats - Europe's first information risk maturity index | Study on data collection and storage in the EU | Protecting patient privacy - strategies for regulating electronic health records exchange]

Jaarverslag 2011

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LJN BW2236, Rechtbank 's-Gravenhage, 414756 / KG ZA 12-247

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LJN BW2575, Rechtbank Amsterdam, 496726 / KG ZA 11-1234 WT/JWR

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Jaarverslag 2011 - DNA-databank voor strafzaken

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LJN BV6594, Rechtbank Zwolle, 175493 / HA ZA 10-1226

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LJN BW0393, Hoge Raad, 11/01017

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LJN BV8942, Rechtbank Middelburg, 11/367

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LJN BV9836, Gerechtshof 's-Gravenhage, 22-001370-11

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Betalingsverkeer veilig ondanks toename fraude

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