Rina Steenkamp - Privacy and technology




[Position paper on the use of RFID in schools | Why passwords have never been weaker - and crackers have never been stronger | Legal risks on the radar | The five neglects - risks gone amiss | Computer security incident handling guide | [Privacy charges against Facebook] | Locating the source of diffusion in large-scale networks | Visual data security white paper | Proposal for a [General Data Protection Regulation - written comments on chapters I and II] | How Apple and Amazon security flaws led to my epic hacking | [Consultation on legislating to give consumers access to data in an electronic, machine readable form] | Threatsaurus - The A-Z of computer and data security threats | Location-based services - An overview of opportunities and other considerations | Online traceability - Who did that? | Smarter protection for the smart grid]

LJN: BX4940,Sector kanton Rechtbank Amsterdam , KK12-1089

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Social engineering challenge 2012

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Verlos me van een botnet

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Een vingerafdruk in de pap? Invloed op het besluitvormingsproces rondom het biometrisch paspoort

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Verslag OPTA rondetafelbijeenkomst cookiewetgeving i.s.m. DDMA en IAB

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Bring your own device - Choose your own device

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Het abc van het recht van de Europese Unie

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Jaarrapportage Bedrijfsvoering Rijk 2011 - Rapportage grote en risicovolle ICT-projecten

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