Rina Steenkamp - Privacy and technology




[Privacy self-management and the consent dilemma | Towards a positive theory of privacy law | The EU-U.S. privacy collision - a turn to institutions and procedures | A sober look at national security access to data in the cloud | Distributed denial of service actions and the challenge of civil disobedience on the internet | Law in the boardroom | Who has your back? - Which companies help protect your data from the government? | The economic importance of getting data protection right - protecting privacy, transmitting data, moving commerce | Implications of the European Commission's proposal for a general data protection regulation for business | Using malware analysis to evaluate botnet resilience | Digital surveillance - Why the Snooper's Charter is the wrong approach - A call for targeted and accountable investigatory powers | Insider threat control - Understanding Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and detection by correlating events from multiple sources | Public cloud service agreements - What to expect and what to negotiate | Lets cut through the Bitcoin hype - A hacker-entrepreneur's take | How Google lost the trust of Europe's data protection authorities]

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) - Introductie, handreiking en vragenlijst

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1-1-2 onder de loep - Een onderzoek naar de opbouw en organisatie van het alarmnummer en de storingen in 2012

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De aanhouder wint - De wereld van Advanced Persistent Threats

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Wetsvoorstel aanpak computercriminaliteit

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[Wetswijziging i.v.m.] fraudeaanpak door gegevensuitwisselingen en het effectief gebruik van binnnen de overheid bekend zijnde gegevens

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Donkere wolk - Continuïteitsrisico's in de cloud

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