Rina Steenkamp - Privacy and technology




[What an IP address can reveal about you | 2012 Annual report of the Interception of Communications Commissioner | @metpoliceuk how twitter is changing modern policing | Online survival kit | Is your inseam a biometric? Evaluating the understandability of mobile privacy notice categories | The SANS 2013 help desk security and privacy survey | Exploring data-driven innovation as a new source of growth - Mapping the policy issues raised by 'big data' | Reconciling personal information in the United States and European Union | Data breach report 2012 | Global state of information security survey 2013 | Privacy auditing - an exploratory study | Children's online privacy protection rule | Apps for kids are data magnets; FTC rules to kick in | Patient privacy in a mobile world - a framework to address privay law issues in mobile health | Working paper on web tracking and privacy - Respect for context, transparency and control remains essential | [United States of America v. Andrew Auernheimer, Appellant's opening brief]]


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Het gebruik van de telefoon- en internettap in de opsporing

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Toezichtsrapport inzake het vervolgonderzoek naar de rechtmatigheid van de uitvoering van de notificatieplicht door de AIVD

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Wet melding inbreuken elektronische informatiesystemen

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Eindrapport pilot Interventieproject Schoon Schip - Een samenwerking van Gemeente Amsterdam met UWV, SVB, Belastingdienst en het RCF

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Samen leren - Tieners en sociale media

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Een op tien jongeren gepest op internet

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Advies Wetsvoorstel computercriminaliteit III

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Hackvoorstel hackathon

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Marktscan naar online games

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#Woninginbraak - Sociale media & woninginbraak. Een onderzoek naar de bruikbaarheid van sociale media bij woninginbraken.

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Cybersecuritybeeld Nederland

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Toetsmodel Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) Rijksdienst

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