Rina Steenkamp - Privacy and technology




[[Vote on the data protection package, October 21st] | General Data Protection Regulation in 10 points | Data Protection Regulation - Leaked compromises | Leaked EU Data Protection Directive | Improving critical infrastructure cybersecurity Executive Order 13636 - Preliminary cybersecurity framework | Leaving out notification requirements for data collection orders? | Experian sold consumer data to ID theft service | On the acceptance of privacy-preserving authentication technology - the curious case of national identity cards | LIBE committee inquiry on electronic mass surveillance of EU citizens | FPDetective - Dusting the web for fingerprints | Working document [...] providing guidance on obtaining consent for cookies | How the Bible and YouTube are fueling the next frontier of password cracking | Piercing through WhatsApp's encryption | Routes for breaching and protecting genetic privacy | Case of Delfi AS v. Estonia | Competitive analysis of the UK cyber security sector | Easily obtained subpoenas turn your personal information against you | Attacking Tor - how the NSA targets users' online anonymity | EPIC online guide to practical privacy tools | Anonymous in context - the politics and power behind the mask | Personality, gender and age in the language of social media - the open-vocabulary approach | Auditing security measures - An overview of schemes for auditing security measures | Warsaw declaration on the "appification" of society | Mobile medical applications - Guidance for industry and Food and Drug Administration staff | Children's online games - report and consultation | Protecting vulnerable data subjects - Findings from a survey of EU data protection officials on the use of cloud services in organisations | Inferring trip destinations from driving habits data | A study of Whois privacy and proxy service abuse]

Klanten willen gegevens Bonuskaart kunnen wissen

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Toezicht Dataretentie en het verwerken van persoons- en locatiegegevens voor bedrijfsdoeleinden - De 1-meting

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Cookiewalls - Een probleem met een technische oplossing?

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Praktische juridische tips mobile

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