Rina Steenkamp - Privacy and technology




[SURVEILLE paper adressing surveillance in the context of preventing a terrorist act | Watching me - The war on crime, privacy, and the state | U.S. Attitudes toward the 'right to be forgotten' | Statement of the WP29 on the impact of the development of big data on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of their personal data in the EU | Opinion 8/2014 on the recent developments on the Internet of Things | Security collapse in the HTTPS market | Is your company ready for a big data breach? The second annual study on data breach preparedness | Data breaches in Europe - Reported breaches of compromised personal records in Europe, 2005-2014 | NIST Privacy engineering objectives and risk model discussion draft | Myth-busting - The Court of Justice of the EU and the "right to be forgotten" | Data protection and journalism - a guide for the media | What do we worry about when we worry about price discrimination? The law and ethics of using personal information for pricing | The internet of things and wearable technology - addressing privacy and security concerns without derailing innovation | An international legal framework for surveillance | Global network interference detection over the RIPE Atlas network]

Advies ontwerpbesluit over koppeling persoonsgegevens vanwege misbruikbestrijding

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Parlementair onderzoek naar ICT-projecten bij de overheid

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Privacy Impact Assessment - Ontwerp op hoofdlijnen eID Stelsel NL

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Toezichtsrapport inzake onderzoek door de AIVD op sociale media

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"We gaan onze website niet helemaal in brochure drukken" - Een onderzoek naar de archiveringspraktijk van websites en social media bij provincies

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