Rina Steenkamp - Privacy and technology




[Free speech is only as strong as the weakest link | W3C announces first draft of standard for online privacy | Hacking away at the truth - Alan Rusbridger's Orwell lecture | Cyber war wil not take place | Privacy and security in the implementation of health information thechnology (electronic health records) - U.S. and EU compared | 2011 Global Information Security Survey | Text-based CAPTCHA strenghts and weaknesses | Why Johnny can't opt out - a usabilty evaluation of tools to limit online behavioral advertising | Social engineering capture the flag results - Defcon 19 | Why parents help their children lie to Facebook about age - Unintended consequences of the [COPPA] | The Socialbot Network - when bots socialize for fame and money | The role of government in commercial cybersecurity | Orwell's armchair | The law enforcement surveillance reporting gap | Symantec Intelligence Report - October 2011 | Europe versus Facebook]

Kamerbrief stand van zaken moties Diginotar en ICT-problemen bij de overheid

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Hacken als opsporingsmethode

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Kabinetsreactie advies staatscomissie Grondwet 11 november 2010

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Slachtoffers van inbreuken op de persoonlijkheidsrechten via internet kunnen zich voor de volledige schade tot de gerechten van hun woonstaat wenden

More at... [11/11/13 (NL/01)]

32 761 Verwerking en bescherming persoonsgegevens, nr. 2, verslag van een algemeen overleg

More at... [11/11/06 (NL/01)]