Maart 2010

[Nieuws en opinie: ACTA (vervolg) | Nieuws en opinie: bewaarplicht verkeersgegevens | Nieuws en opinie: diverse berichten | Jurisprudentie | Auteursrecht en technische voorzieningen | Nieuws en opinie: ACTA | Jurisprudentie | Nieuws en opinie: bewaarplicht telecommunicatiegegevens, opvragingen CIOT, downloadverbod, evaluatie Wbp en ACTA | Jurisprudentie | Jurisprudentie]

Side-channel leaks in web applications

Lees verder... [10/03/31]

Evaluating statistical attacks on personal knowledge questions

Lees verder... [10/03/30]

Standardizing privacy notices

Lees verder... [10/03/29]

The next steps for the Data Protection Directive

Lees verder... [10/03/28 (2)]

Promoting trust in the information society by fostering data protection and privacy

Lees verder... [10/03/27 (2)]

Private lives - a people's inquiry into personal information

Lees verder... [10/03/26 (2)]

The electronic police state

Lees verder... [10/03/21]

Identity and its verification

Lees verder... [10/03/20]

Depicting the UK's fraud landscape

Lees verder... [10/03/14]

State of enterprise security, 2010

Lees verder... [10/03/13 (2)]

The evidence on DNA retention

Lees verder... [10/03/12 (2)]

Learn more about identity theft

Lees verder... [10/03/08 (2)]

Verizon incident sharing metrics framework

Lees verder... [10/03/07 (2)]

The inadvertent disclosure of personal health information through peer-to-peer file sharing programs

Lees verder... [10/03/06 (2)]

The privacy dividend - the business case for investing in proactive privacy protection

Lees verder... [10/03/05 (2)]

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