April 2010

[Tussen spionage en veiligheid | Jurisprudentie | Jurisprudentie | Grenzen aan de aftapbaarheid? | Afgeschermde hyves profielen vaak toch zichtbaar | Jurisprudentie | Jurisprudentie | Jurisprudentie | PIM | Over persoonsgegevens en IP-adressen, en de toekomst van privacywetgeving | E-mail na de dood - juridische bescherming van privacybelangen | Spionagerisico's en de nationale veiligheid]

Promoting confidence in electronic commerce - legal issues on international use of electronic authentication and signature methods

Lees verder... [10/04/30 (2)]

Opt-in Dystopias

Lees verder... [10/04/29 (2)]

Youth, privacy and reputation

Lees verder... [10/04/28 (2)]

How different are young adults from older adults when it comes to information privacy attitudes and policies?

Lees verder... [10/04/27 (2)]

Global internet security threat report - volume XV, April 2010

Lees verder... [10/04/26 (2)]

Application development security procurement language

Lees verder... [10/04/25 (2)]

The top 10 web application security risks

Lees verder... [10/04/24 (2)]

Security in the trenches - Comparative study of IT practitioners and executives in the U.S. federal government

Lees verder... [10/04/23]

Managing re-identification risk

Lees verder... [10/04/22]

Under surveillance

Lees verder... [10/04/21]

Protecting Europe against large-scale cyber-attacks

Lees verder... [10/04/20]

Intellectual property - observations on efforts to quantify the economic effects of counterfeit and pirated goods

Lees verder... [10/04/19 (2)]

Facebook - Another breach in the wall

Lees verder... [10/04/18 (2)]

Internalizing identity theft

Lees verder... [10/04/17 (2)]

Protecting the confidentiality of personally identifiable information (PII)

Lees verder... [10/04/16 (2)]

The value of behavioral targeting

Lees verder... [10/04/09]

The emerging and future risks framework

Lees verder... [10/04/08]

A security analysis of the Dutch national electronic patient record system

Lees verder... [10/04/07]

Detecting and defeating government interception attacks against SSL

Lees verder... [10/04/06 (2)]

Building a digital economy: the importance of saving jobs in the EU's creative industries

Lees verder... [10/04/05]

Cloud computing

Lees verder... [10/04/04]

Weaknesses in IRS systems continue to jeopardize the confidentiality, integrity and availability of financial and sensitive taxpayer information

Lees verder... [10/04/03]

A set of nasty questions to ask your security vendors

Lees verder... [10/04/02]

How to use video-surveillance resposibly

Lees verder... [10/04/01]

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