Rina Steenkamp - Privacy en technologie




[Kamerbrief over DigiNotar onderzoeken | Cloud computing, fundament op orde | Omvang van identiteitsfraude en maatschappelijke schade in Nederland | Besluit van 5 maart 2012, houdende wijziging van [...] het Meldingsbesluit Wbp en het Vrijstellingsbesluit Wbp in verband met vermindering van administratieve lasten | Reactie Bits of Freedom inzake de conceptverordening gegevensbescherming | Veiligheid in cyberspace | Nieuwe perspectieven vragen om actie - een genuanceerde visie op cybercrime | Norm ICT-beveiligingsassessments DigiD | ICT-beveiligingsrichtlijnen voor webapplicaties | Onderzoek naar besluitvorming biometrie op reisdocumenten | Cybersecuritybeeld Nederland | Digitale implementatie agenda.nl]

2012 data breach investigations report

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Search engine use 2012

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The Symantec smartphone honey stick project

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Cloud computing use cases white paper

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Opinion of the European Data Protection Supervisor on the data protection reform package

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Comparative table - Commission for a General Data Protection Regulation - 1995 Data Protection Directive

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Identity theft red flags rules

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Consumer Sentinel Network data book for January - December 2011

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Study on monetising privacy - An economic model for pricing personal information

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The human factor in data protection

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Privacy design guidelines for mobile application development

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2011 Mobile threats report

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Verizon 2011 investigative response (IR) caseload review

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Imperva's hacker intelligence summary report - The anatomy of an Anonymous attack

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The fight against cybercrime - Cooperation between CERTs and law enforcement agencies in the fight against cybercrime

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[Letter to Google, Inc.]

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Consumer data privacy in a networked world - A framework for protecting privacy and promoting innovation in the global digital economy

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Case of Romet v. the Netherlands

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Mobile apps for kids - current privacy disclosures are disappointing

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Computer security incident handling guide (draft)

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Common sense guide to prevention and detection of insider threats

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