Rina Steenkamp - Privacy en technologie




[Eindrapportage impactanalyse ICT-beveiligingsassessments DigiD | Storing telecommunicatienetwerk Waalhaven Rotterdam | Cybersecuritybeeld Nederland, CSBN-2 | De organisatie van de opsporing van cybercrime door de Nederlandse politie | 10 tips voor een veilige website | CookieChecker | Toezeggingen op het gebied van bescherming van persoonsgegevens | Gegevens burgers niet veilig bij politie - Onderzoek naar de audits Wet politiegegevens bij de politie | LJN BW0393, Hoge Raad, 11/01017 | Het DigiNotarincident - Waarom digitale veiligheid de bestuurstafel te weinig bereikt | Evaluatie van de rijkscrisisorganisatie tijdens de DigiNotar-crisis | 'Wie zijn zij, dat zij dit mogen doen?' - Over de legitimatie van Straatsburgse rechtspraak]

So close, yet so far apart - The EU and U.S. visions of a new privacy framework

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The dawn of a critical transparency right for the profiling era

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Best practices for mobile application developers

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Interdependence and predictability of human mobility and social interactions

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What facial recognition technology means for privacy and civil liberties

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How to increase visibility of government ICT projects for external stakeholders - A case of the Dutch government

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Special Eurobarometer 390 - Cyber security

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Smart grid security - Recommendations for Europe and member states

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Web privacy census

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Opinion 05/2012 on cloud computing

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WhiteHat Security website statistics report - How does your website security stack up against your peers?

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Dissecting Operation High Roller

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[Proposed revisions to the draft General Data Protection Regulation]

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Case C-173/11

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Incentives and barriers of the cyber insurance market in Europe

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From fingerprints to DNA - Biometric data collection in U.S. immigrant communities and beyond

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Data privacy - What the consumer really thinks

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