Rina Steenkamp - Privacy en technologie




[Kroniek Technologie en recht | Slim bekeken - camerabewaking op maat | Benchmark digitale dienstverlening 2012 - Status digitale dienstverlening Nederlandse gemeenten vergeleken | Cloud diensten in hoger onderwijs en onderzoek en de USA Patriot Act | Terughacken maakt meer kapot dan me lief is... | IT-geschillen in de praktijk | LJN: BX8370, Rechtbank Zwolle , 201017 / KZ ZA 12-147 | LJN: BX8644, Raad van State , 201205423/1/A3 | Wijziging van artikel 13 Grondwet | Project X Haren - wat ging er mis? | Veilig beheer van digitale certificaten]

Annual incident reports 2011 - Analysis of the Article 13a reports of 2011

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Consumerization of IT - top risks and opportunities

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Report on the data protection guidance we gave schools in 2012

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Microsoft security intelligence report

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2012 Norton cybercrime report

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Deanonymizing mobility traces - using social networks as a side-channel

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Opinion 08/2012 providing further input on the data protection reform discussions

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Why the right to data portability likely reduces consumer welfare - antitrust and privacy critique

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Privacy and progress in whole genome sequencing

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Mobile device location data - Additional federal actions could help protect consumer privacy

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Before we knew it - An empirical study of zero-day attacks in the real world

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Towards a trusted and sustainable European federated eID system

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Internet as data source - Feasibility study on statistical methods on internet as a source of data gathering

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IBM X-Force 2012 mid-year trend and risk report

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PlaceRaider - Virtual theft in physical spaces with smartphones

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Unleashing the potential of cloud computing in Europe

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Guidance on the use of cloud computing

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The right to be forgotten across the pond

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The state of risk-based security management

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