Rina Steenkamp - Privacy en technologie




[ECLI:NL:GHSHE:2013:2579 | De politie maakt onrechtmatig een peilbaken van je telefoon | Wet- en regelgeving in de zorg - Een overzicht voor ICT en eHealth | ECLI:NL:RBMNE:2013:3179 | Overzicht incidentmeldingen in de periode van 1 oktober 2010 tot 1 mei 2013 | Genomineerden Big Brother Awards 2013 bekend | Sociale media - factor van invloed op onrustsituaties? | Informatie- en communicatietechnologie (ICT) - Verslag van een Algemeen Overleg | JBZ-raad - Verslag van een algemeen overleg | Nader rapport [meldplicht datalekken]]

The privacy challenges of big data - a view from the lifeguard's chair

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Judged by the tin man - individual rights in the age of big data

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Protecting their own - fundamental rights implications for EU data sovereignty in the cloud

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Information privacy in the cloud

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How much will PRISM cost the U.S. cloud computing industry?

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Rangzen - Circumventing government-imposed communication blackouts

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Press suckered by anti-Google group's bogus claim that Gmail users can't expect privacy

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Piaw@tch - the Privacy Impact Assessment observatory

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Subject access code of practice

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[Updated guidance on network attacks and malware]

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Necessary and proportionate - International principles on the application of human rights to communications surveillance

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Case of Youth Initiative for Human Rights v. Serbia

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Biometric ID cybersurveillance

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Privacy and safety on Facebook - a guide for survivors of abuse

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Mobile health and fitness applications and information privacy

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Report to the President - MIT and the prosecution of Aaron Swartz

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Conducting privacy impact assessments code of practice

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A case of collusion - a study of the interface between ad libraries and their apps

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Browser security comparative analysis - Privacy settings

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VERIS Community Database (VCDB)

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Breach Watch

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Global corporate IT security risks - 2013

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The economic impact of cybercrime and cyber espionage

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Bradley Manning Espionage Act conviction a blow to both whistleblowers and journalists

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