Rina Steenkamp - Privacy en technologie




[Actieplan Privacy - Eindrapportage | Rapport privacy impact assessment gemeentelijke 3D informatiehuishouding | ECLI:NL:GHARL:2014:8585 | Inspiratie Informatieveiligheid | Tem de robotauto - De zelfsturende auto voor publieke doelen | Basisregistraties vanuit het perspectief van de burger, fraudebestrijding en governance | Adequate rechtsbescherming bij grondrechtenbeperkend overheidsingrijpen | Dit geef je allemaal prijs als je inlogt op een openbaar wifi-netwerk | ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2014:6118 | Vergeet de politiestaat. Welkom in de belastingstaat | Nulmeting privacy & beveiliging primair en voortgezet onderwijs | Resultaten opvragen medisch dossier voor officiële instanties | Big data, big consequences? Een verkenning naar privacy en big data gebruik binnen de opsporing, vervolging en rechtspraak | Een privacyraamwerk voor 'DNS big data'-toepassingen | ECLI:NL:RBOVE:2014:5394]

TRUSTe settles FTC charges it deceived consumers through its privacy seal program

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Making smart decisions about surveillance - A guide for communities

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Catching bandits and only bandits - Privacy-preserving intersection warrants for lawful surveillance

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The connected car and privacy - Navigating new data issues

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Consumer privacy protection principles - Privacy principles for vehicle technologies and services

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The dark alleys of Madison Avenue - Understanding malicious advertisements

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Public perceptions of privacy and security in the post-Snowden era

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Handcrafted fraud and extortion - Manual account hijacking in the wild

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Modifying an off-the-shelf wireless router for PDF ballot tampering

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Microsoft Security Intelligence Report - Volume 17 - January through June, 2014

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Case study 1 report - WebRTC

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Intelligence legalism and the National Security Agency's civil liberties gap

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Data privacy regulation comes of age in Asia

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The natural history of Gmail data mining

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The best secure messaging tools

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Surveillance self-defense - Tips, tools and how-tos for safer online communications

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Online privacy, online publicity - Young Canadians in a wired world, phase III

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Who cares for identity information in Government 2.0? An empirical study

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What do users want from their future means of Identity Management?

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Removing roadblocks to intelligent vehicles and driverless cars

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Riding with the stars - passenger privacy in the NYC taxicab dataset

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Dutch e-voting opportunities, Risk assessment framework based on attacker resources

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An administrator's guide to internet password research

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Q&A - Electronic Identification and Trust Services (eIDAS) Regulation

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In the picture - A data protection code of practice for surveillance cameras and personal information

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Online harassment

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The trouble with European data protection law

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Printer watermark obfuscation

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