September 2010

[Jurisprudentie | Risicoanalyse EPD-DigiD | Op weg naar intelligente netten in Nederland | Staat van het Bestuur 2010 | De Verwijsindex risicojongeren: hulpverleners als privacyjuristen? | Rapport algemene bevindingen kwaliteit accountantscontrole en kwaliteitsbewaking]

Privacy papers for policy makers

Lees verder... [10/09/17 (EN/01)]

Token attempt - the misrepresentation of website privacy policies through the misuse of P3P compact policy tokens

Lees verder... [10/09/17 (EN/02)]

Facebook and the new age of privacy

Lees verder... [10/09/17 (EN/03)]

A guide to data governance for privacy, confidentiality, and compliance - part 5: Moving to cloud computing

Lees verder... [10/09/17 (EN/04)]

The avoidable cost of downtime

Lees verder... [10/09/17 (EN/05)]

Incentives and challenges for information sharing in the context of network and information security

Lees verder... [10/09/17 (EN/06)]

The rise of apps culture

Lees verder... [10/09/17 (EN/07)]

Social engineering capture the flag results

Lees verder... [10/09/17 (EN/08)]

Cybercasing the joint - on the privacy implications of geo-tagging

Lees verder... [10/09/12 (EN/01)]

The human impact

Lees verder... [10/09/12 (EN/02)]

Internet governance in an age of cyber insecurity

Lees verder... [10/09/12 (EN/03)]

Contracts for clouds - comparison and analysis of the terms and conditions of cloud computing services

Lees verder... [10/09/12 (EN/04)]

Cell phones and American adults

Lees verder... [10/09/12 (EN/05)]

Linking biomedical informatics, grid computing and nanomedicine

Lees verder... [10/09/03 (EN/01)]

Protecting your daily in-home activity information from a wireless snooping attack

Lees verder... [10/09/03 (EN/02)]

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