November 2010

[Waar kan ik u nog meer mee van dienst zijn? Spiegonderzoek naar de beleving van gemeentelijke dienstverlening volgens burgers en gemeenteambtenaren | Jurisprudentie | Jurisprudentie | Rapport Staatscommissie Grondwet | Nationaal trendrapport cybercrime en digitale veiligheid 2010 | Databases. Over ICT-beloftes, informatiehonger en digitale autonomie. | Een verborgen wereld: kinderpornografie op internet | Jurisprudentie | Jurisprudentie | Whitepaper Raamwerk Beveiliging Webapplicaties]

ACTA as a new kind of international IP law-making

Lees verder... [10/11/27 (EN/01)]

The US Department of Commerce and international privacy activities: Indifference and neglect

Lees verder... [10/11/27 (EN/02)]

(Fr)agile? Risk management and agile software development

Lees verder... [10/11/27 (EN/03)]

Information security management system for Microsoft cloud infrastructure

Lees verder... [10/11/27 (EN/04)]

Use of the internet in higher-income households

Lees verder... [10/11/27 (EN/05)]


Lees verder... [10/11/19 (EN/01)]

The role of internet service providers in botnet mitigation: an empirical analysis based on spam data

Lees verder... [10/11/19 (EN/02)]

Draft report on the impact of advertising on consumer behaviour

Lees verder... [10/11/19 (EN/03)]

Opinion 7/2010 on European Commission's Communication on the global approach to transfers of Passenger Name Record (PNR) data to third countries

Lees verder... [10/11/19 (EN/04)]

Enabling trade in the era of information technologies: breaking down barriers to the free flow of information

Lees verder... [10/11/19 (EN/05)]

A matter of trust: Integrating privacy and public safety in the 21st century

Lees verder... [10/11/19 (EN/06)]

A comprehensive approach on personal data protection in the European Union

Lees verder... [10/11/13 (EN/01)]

Report to the nations on occupational fraud and abuse

Lees verder... [10/11/13 (EN/02)]


Lees verder... [10/11/13 (EN/03)]

4% of online Americans use location-based services

Lees verder... [10/11/13 (EN/04)]

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