Rina Steenkamp - Privacy en technologie




[Policeware | Cyber Security Awareness - Een onderzoek naar kennis, bewustzijn en gedrag ten aanzien van cyber security | E-health dwingt beveiliging af | Gegevensuitwisseling door toezichthouders - Onderzoek uitgevoerd in opdracht van het WODC | Bruggen slaan - Regeerakkoord VVD - PvdA]

Opinion [...] on the Commission's Communication on "Unleashing the potential of Cloud Computing in Europe"

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Privacy considerations of online behavioural tracking

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The right to be forgotten - between expectations and practice

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Supply chain integrity - An overview of the ICT supply chain risks and challenges, and vision for the way forward

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A penny for your privacy - An analysis of the reimbursements in privacy infringement procedures

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McAfee Threats report - Third quarter 2012

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Malware report - Q3 2012

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Cyber-security - a shared responsibility

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Black tulip - Report of the investigation into the DigiNotar Certificate Authority breach

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A survey of privacy and security decreasing third-party content on Dutch websites

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Virtual currency schemes

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Russian Underground 101

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Monitoring hacker forums

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Electric subsector cybersecurity risk management process

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Electricity subsector cybersecurity capability maturity model (ES-C2M2)

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Cybersecurity for state regulators - with sample questions for regulators to ask utilities

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Guide for assessing the high-level security requirements in NISTIR 7628, Guidelines for smart grid cyber security

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Lifecycle data protection management - A controbution on how to adjust European data protection to the needs of the 21st century

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Facing facts - Best practices for common uses of facial recognition technologies

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Neighborhood watch - security and privacy analysis of automatic meter reading systems

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2012 Data breach investigations report

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Discussion paper - Australian privacy breach notification

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