Rina Steenkamp - Privacy en technologie




[De botsing tussen IE- en privacyrechten - Het einde van het Lycos/Presser-tijdperk | Anonimiteit in het strafproces | Beveilig apparaten gekoppeld aan internet | Veilig op sociale netwerken | LJN: BY0215, Hoge Raad , 11/00490 | Beveiligingsrichtlijnen voor mobiele apparaten | CIOT-bevragingen - Proces en rechtmatigheid | Research report [DigiNotar] | Het cybersecuritybeleid van de toekomst | Nationaal crisisplan ICT | Het decryptiebevel en het nemo-teneturbeginsel - Nopen ontwikkelingen sinds 2000 tot invoering van een ontsleutelplicht voor verdachten?]

Anonymisation - managing data protection risk

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Appropriate security measures for smart grids

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Cybersecurity - The corporate counsel's agenda

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Smartphone security checker

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Kapersky security bulletin 2012 - The overall statistics for 2012

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Determined adversaries and targeted attacks - The threat from sophisticated, well-resourced attackers

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Everything you need to know about the Data Protection Regulation

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It's not how much data you have, but how you use it - assessing privacy in the context of consumer data integration

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Mobile apps for kids - disclosures still not making the grade

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A loophole in data processing - Why the 'legitimate interests' test fails to protect the interests of users and the Regulation needs to be amended

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National cyber security framework manual

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An inquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of the press

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Mobile privacy - Is there an app for that? On smart mobile devices, apps and data protection

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Methodology for privacy risk management / Measures for the privacy risk treatment

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Security threat report 2013 - New platforms and changing threats

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A case study of Eurograbber - How 36 million euros was stolen via malware

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Global Internet user survey 2012

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The dangers of surveillance

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The hackback debate

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Guidance regarding methods for de-identification of protected health information in accordance with theHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy rule

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Proactive detection of security incidents - Honeypots

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Annual report 2012

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