Rina Steenkamp - Privacy en technologie




[BY8420, Gerechtshof Amsterdam, 200.095.838/01 | Reactie van het college van de [OPTA] op het conceptwetsvoorstel tot wijziging van artikel 13 Grondwet | Leidraad voor verantwoorde openbaarmaking van ICT-kwetsbaarheden | Overgeleverd aan willekeur - Een onderzoek naar de verwijdering van rechtmatige informatie door hostingproviders]

Draft report on the proposal for a [General Data Protection Regulation]

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Government response to Justice Select Committee's opinion on the European Union Data Protection framework proposals

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Fighting cyber crime and protecting privacy in the cloud

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How the Nokia Browser decrypts SSL traffic - a "man in the client"

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Finding a strategic voice - Insights from the 2012 IBM Chief Information Security Officer Assessment

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Global risks 2013

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Third annual benchmark study on patient privacy and data security

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Payment card fraud in the European Union

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ENISA Threat landscape

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Consumerization of IT - Risk mitigation strategies

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Privacy on the go - recommendations for the mobile ecosystem

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Defence and cyber-security

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