Rina Steenkamp - Privacy en technologie




[LJN: BY9718, Hoge Raad , 11/03980 | Nationaal dreigingsbeeld 2012 - Georganiseerde criminaliteit | Juridische scan openbrononderzoek | LJN: BZ0644, Gerechtshof Arnhem, 200.111.660 | Een meewerkverplichting bij grootschalig DNA-onderzoek in strafzaken? | Privacy, technologie en de wet - Big Data voor iedereen door goed design | Opsporing 2.0 - Met massa meer massa | BY9910, Raad van State, 201112022/1/A3 | Privacy Impact Assessment ANPR | DNA in de databank - de moeite waard? | LJN: BZ2126, Rechtbank 's-Hertogenbosch, 252880 / EX RK 12-184 | Reconstructie - Hoe het digitale 'broodspoor' naar de jonge hacker leidde]

Unique in the crowd - The privacy bounds of human mobility

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Discrimination in online ad delivery

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Additional EDPS comments on the data protection reform package

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The functions, powers and resources of the Information Commissioner

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Assessment notices under de Data Protection Act 1998 - Extension of the Information Commissioner's powers

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The Tallinn manual on the international law applicable to cyber warfare

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Bound to fail - Why cyber security risk cannot simply be 'managed' away

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Opinion 02/2013 on apps on smart devices

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Using smartphones as a proxy for forensic evidence contained in cloud storage services

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Silent listeners - The evolution of privacy and disclosure on Facebook

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Everything we know about what data brokers know about you

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Google, Facebook, Amazon, eBay - Is the internet driving competition or market monopolization?

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Technology and the sovereignty of the individual

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[Serious and Organised Crime Threat Assessment (SOCTA)] 2013 - Public version

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Internet bad neighborhoods

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Hacking appliances - Ironic exploits in security products

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How bad is it? - A branching activity model to estimate the impact of information security breaches

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The implausibility of secrecy

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The web won't be safe or secure until we break it

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Private traits and attributes are predictable from digital records of human behavior

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Data protection in Europe

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Paper, plastic... or mobile? An FTC workshop on mobile payments

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Cyber-attacks - a new edge for old weapons

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Stuxnet 0.5 - The missing link

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Bring your own device (BYOD)

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2012 Data mining report to Congress

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Quantifying the invisible audience in social networks

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What privacy is for

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Reforming the data protection package

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Big data and analytics - seeking foundations for effective privacy guidance

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Consumer Sentinel Network data book for January - December 2012

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Cybersecurity of smart grids

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Opinion on [whether a hyperlink to content can be considered a communication to the public]

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International compendium of data privacy laws

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[Summary of the feedback on cybersecurity legislation from 'Fortune 500' companies]

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Ransomware - next-generation fake antivirus

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2013 State of the endpoint

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2013 Cisco annual security report

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Global audit committee survey

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The UK cyber security strategy - Landscape review

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