Rina Steenkamp - Privacy en technologie




[Bredere kijk op gegevens - Programmarapportage Informatieprocessen | Audit Alert - Keteninformatisering | Trends in veiligheid 2013 - Een digitale samenleving kan niet zonder digitale veiligheid | Google, stille getuige van moord | Internetvrijheid toolbox | Aanpak van ICT door het Rijk 2012 - Lessons learned | Gebruik RC4 in TLS ontraden]

The retention of the fingerprints of a person who had not been convicted breached his right to respect for his private life

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The disconcerting details - How Facebook teams up with data brokers to show you targeted ads

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2013 Data breach investigations report

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2013 Information security breaches survey

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1Q 2013 security roundup - Zero-days hit users hard at the start of the year

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"How old do you think I am?": A study of language and age in Twitter

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Net neutrality in Europe

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Clarifications regarding the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor framework and cloud computing

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Can recent attacks really threaten Internet availability?

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Microsoft security intelligence report - Volume 14

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Internet security threat report 2013

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Opinion 03/2013 on purpose limitation

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Internet privacy - the right to be forgotten

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Avoiding the hidden costs of the cloud

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The modern malware review - Analysis of new and evasive malware in live enterprise networks

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EU online trustmarks - Building digital confidence in Europe

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Sleights of privacy - framing, disclosures, and the limits of transparency

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The pursuit of privacy in a world where information control is falling

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Privacy 101 - Skype leaks your location

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